people should be nice and kids should have clothing.

Know the problem.

Thousands of students in Nashville, TN do not have access to proper clothing. Whether a jacket in the winter, a belt for their pants or any normal clothing for themselves or their family members. We have worked directly with Metro Nashville Public Schools for numerous years and directly with some of the greatest numbers of underprivileged and homeless students in the Nashville area. We’ve met and interacted with these students and our hearts are immediately drawn to action.

Be a part of the solution.

We at people should be nice. are constantly collecting clothing, jackets or financial donations so we can provide them to students in need. We donate the the clothing directly to Wright Middle School so they can distribute accordingly. They give these items to kids on a per-need basis and also at annual events dedicated to supplying kids and they families with basic needs.

Notes on suitable items to donate:
- Preferably new or lightly used. Please no holes or damaged clothing.
- Jackets designed for mild to cold, winter weather is preferable.
- Any size and designed for any gender is great. There is a wide array of sizes for middle school students.
- No items with provocative or questionable content will be donated.

Dream to action with us.

We want to see every kid and their family have basic clothing. We know it can be really intimidating to try to change the world as one person. But together with our small actions, we can at least fill the basic needs of these students to make sure they have proper clothing and find some warmth in the winter.